Identifi Me in Action

July 13, 2023

Identifi Me in Action

Are you tired of the slow, cumbersome, and costly process of verifying your customers' identities? Look no further than Identifi Me, the cutting-edge digital identity verification platform that is revolutionizing the way businesses onboard and verify their customers.

With Identifi Me, customers can quickly and easily verify their identity using their smartphone or other mobile device, while businesses benefit from high levels of security and compliance. 

But don't just take our word for it - see it in action with our video demo.

In the demo, you'll see how Identifi Me's seamless and intuitive user experience enables customers to scan their government-issued ID and take a selfie, which is then verified using advanced facial recognition technology. 

The result is a fast, secure, and convenient identity verification process that can be customized to meet the needs of businesses across a wide range of industries.

So what are you waiting for? Watch our video demo to see the power of Identifi Me in action and experience the future of digital identity verification.

Stay tuned for our next blog entry - where we will bring insights from our ShareRing team to talk about customer onboarding.

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