Technology Update - Sprint 41

April 13, 2023

Welcome to the return of our regular tech updates. Whilst it sometimes looks like the news from ShareRing is sporadic, our teams are very busy working on improving our products, adding new features and functionality, and also doing some great R&D to push the boundaries of what’s possible with the ShareRing Vault and ShareLedger identity blockchain.

First, some background information. Within ShareRing, we run 2 week Sprints (it was previously 4), this means that we have internal releases every 2 weeks. We have a process where we will release to our dev environment and then if it passes the QA process (unit testing, regression testing, and other reviews), then we’ll push it to ‘internal production’ as a release candidate. Depending on what’s in the release, we’ll make a decision whether to release to the public, release to our new BETA program, or wait until the next Sprint before releasing.

We’ve just closed out Sprint 41 and will soon be releasing this to our BETA group along with the new product that we’ve been hinting at for awhile

Our achievements from this Sprint were as follows. If you have any questions about any of these, feel free to ask them via our Telegram Channel. We will also be moving to a Discord channel soon so we can have separate forums for our product releases, Q&A, etc.

ShareRing Business Solutions (this is our B2B focused arm)


  • License key activation on Android and iOS to support third party integration into their own apps.
  • Create ‘clean’ unbranded app that demonstrates the functionality of the ShareRing SDK’s and VQL.

Mobile App

  • Release support for Barbados Trident NFC cards.
  • New design for the ‘Me’ tab.
  • Add MRZ VZ NFC checks for ePassports
  • Add Passive and Active checks for ICAO ePassports and check against government public key repositories.
  • Update the Vault SDK documentation on the ShareRing Wiki -

Vault and VQL

  • Add deep linking support for Vault QR codes - if someone scans a VQL QR code from any QR scanner, it will opent he ShareRing App and process the query. If the user doesn’t have ShareRing installed, it will go to the Play/App store and prompt them to install the app.
  • Add mobile browser support for VQL. A webmaster can add a tappable link instead of a QR code to allow users to use VQL queries from their mobile device.
  • Cap VQL dashboard at 50 requests - to entice clients to use the API webhooks in VQL, we are limiting the dashboard so that it will only display a maximum of 50 request results. If you want more than 50, you can just add an API webhook.
  • Improve the workflow when a Basic account is uploading an NFC ID as their first document in the Vault.

Foundational (this is our Blockchain Services focused arm)

  • Implement autonomous unit tests against microservices.
  • Implement IBC Relayer.
  • Add IBC connection to Osmosis
  • Update Public Testnet Faucet for ShareLedger.
  • Enhance and harden RPC balancers.
  • Swap/Bridge relayer efficiency improvements.
  • Complete Ledger app for ShareLedger (next step - testing and release for review by Ledger) - you can find this on our Github next week..
  • Web Wallet extension - still in development - we will release this to the Alpha test group when the MVP is ready.

We have also recently hired a full-time technical writer in Australia who has been working hard to create all sorts of documentation for ShareRing. You’ll start to see more and more results from this as he progresses, starting with a long, but broad, overview of our technology, and then working through the onboarding guides, developer guides, etc.

For our next Sprint (Sprint 42), we are focusing on some key enhancements to assist our business development teams in their B2B sales efforts.This includes the development of a standalone ‘Vault’ app (name TBD) with a simplified, mass-market friendly, sign-up (following a ‘Just in Time’ approach), as well as some demo Web pages that show the functionality and power of the ShareRing Vault alongside VQL. We are also making some changes to the identity architecture to support our ongoing process to get Trust Framework accreditation across a number of jurisdictions.

On the Foundation side, we’ll be adding Fuzz Testing for ShareLedger, starting the process to update our React-Native libraries, and continuing the development of our Web Wallet extension. There’s also some technical debt that we will be working through (time permitting).