Entering the World of Metaverse

April 13, 2023

The term “Metaverse” may ring a bell to some. With Facebook rebranding itself as Meta, the term Metaverse has gained immense popularity, attracting many technology companies to further explore the concept. But what exactly is metaverse?

Metaverse is an Augmented Reality (AR) technology that allows an individual to interact with another individual virtually. The term “metaverse” has been around for a while, appearing in Neal Stephenson’s book ‘Snow Crash’ in 1992,  which showcased a 3D virtual world where humans interacted via their avatars. Over time the term has developed from Sci-fi into a real-life experience.

The expansion of metaverse covers virtual reality from audio, video, 3D holographic avatars to augmented reality glasses. Essentially, the metaverse is an endless virtual community with possibilities that can adapt to real-life activities, resembling the actual—for instance, daily activities from working, playing, meeting, studying and many more. 

Big technology companies such as Apple and Microsoft have indulged the advancement of the metaverse. 

Take Microsoft as an example: the technology company has experimented with holograms, and the development of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and the real world with its Microsoft Mesh platform. Other companies such as Epic Games, Nvidia & Roblox are also developing devices to support the realization of metaverse.

One of the leading online gaming companies, Epic Games, who created Fortnite, recently collaborated with Balenciaga (luxury fashion brand) to develop high-end fashion in the virtual world. The partnerships feature Balenciaga apparel to be worn in Fornite to allow players to choose their avatar looks in the game. 

Socially, the metaverse opens up the possibility of space’s limitations that can exceed even time. No more time-consuming long-distance travel, it enables individuals to do different activities in different places and ease everyday activities such as online shopping and transactions by using cryptocurrency. 

ShareRing is dedicated to being involved in this ever-evolving space. Recently ShareRing Lab (a division of ShareRing) closed our first ever scholarship grant in Thailand, with applicants submitting their research plans and ideas on the metaverse, and functionality of NFTs beyond the art sector. As a company we are committed to the development of talent, and welcome this gradual transition of day-to-day regular activities into the digital sphere.